Help Page

Need help? No problem just look for the questions answered below!


First, you will need to click the "Names/Data" tab. That page holds all the information about who the elf is for who. If you have ALREADY GIVEN an elf a gift for another person, the in the chat please put:

Elf: (the person who is the elf)
Elfing for: (The name of the person who the gift is going to)
Gift: (what the gift is)
From: (your name)

If you HAVEN'T given the gift to an elf but you want to, this is how you will enter the information:

Elf: (the name of the elf you need to give the gift to)
Elfing For: (the name of the person the gift is going to)
Gift: (Whatever the gidt is)
From: (Your name)


Wondering about how to enter the information about being an elf? Don't worry. First of all, you'll have to locate the Chat box that should be located on the bottom right of every page. This example is how you should enter the informarion:

Elf: Finn
Elfing For: Christy
Gift: Hair Ties
From: David


Need help finding your way around the website? No problem. If you are trying to find the page tabs, it should be at the top right of your screen! If you are looking for the chat box (Which is where you need to enter the information) Should be at the bottom right of every page! If you need more additional help, please contact Christy!